Puzzling it Out

I was heavy into my writing this winter and have had a few lightbulb moments. I want to share them with you.

As I worked through my manuscript, editing and filling in plot holes, there were a couple of directions my story could go. I couldn't wait to see how it would end, and until I got closer to the finish line, I didn't know what would happen. It was so exciting!

However, I started to tire and rush the writing, so I had to step back and take a break.

I decided to come at it another way. I changed the physical location of where I worked and brainstormed possibilities. I bounced ideas off my husband to wrap my head around the ending and get insight. And as I did, I got more and more excited about this book. I was refreshed and ready to get back to it!

I love the creative process—it's amazing where your brain will take you if you show up and put in the time.

— Cindy


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