
Make a Splash Self-Publishing

7 Key Steps to Get You Started!!

You probably think writing a book is something people start but never finish, but if you can complete my step-by-step guide to walk you through some essential aspects of writing and self-publishing a book, you will prove to yourself that you have what it takes to get the job done.

Now Available through my Etsy Store!

Make a Splash Writer’s Retreat

Breaking the Surface

With the Make a Splash Writer’s Retreat: Breaking the Surface, you will do a deep dive into your writing practice using metaphors, imagery, symbolism, and onomatopoeia, to name a few. You will move beyond an initial story or theme to create beautiful pieces of writing which will deepen your manuscript (existing or future) and make it more complex. We will take the time to explore what we can do with our writing—to take it from okay to OKAY!

Make a Splash Self-Publishing

Test the Waters Before Diving In

Make a Splash Self-Publishing: Test the Waters Before Diving In is the only program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create and promote your book like a pro before you start—but how to get it into the hundreds or even thousands of customers.  

Through Make a Splash Self-Publishing: Test the Waters Before Diving In you will create your self-publishing plan and move from feeling apprehensive over the choices available and the costs involved to confident that you have made informed decisions about the path you will follow to reach your goals.