Tell Someone

Tell someone. Sounds easy, but it's not.

Once you tell someone that you hope to write and publish a book, you can't take it back.

People may ask you questions that you aren't comfortable answering yet.

That's okay.

Just tell them that you have only started to learn more about everything involved. Tell the truth of what you are feeling.

The more conversations you have, the more comfortable and familiar it will become. Practice makes perfect.

But take your time.

Do it when you are ready. Prove to yourself that you can commit to this project, and once you do, it will be easier to tell others about it.

For now, I want you to practice.

I want you to tell just one person. Tell anyone. It can be a stranger at the coffee shop, your hairdresser, or your mom. You can do it over coffee, the phone, a text or an email. But try it. You might be surprised by how excited and supportive that person will be.

In my experience, people think that writing a book is pretty cool. Some have even dreamt of doing it themselves and want to know all about it.

So share—you will be glad you did!


Just Write


Setting Affirmations