It’s Your Time

Have you ever had a laundry pile so big you couldn’t step over it so you stepped on it and just about wiped out?

That was me this morning.

The guilt is real.

When the kids were young, I couldn’t justify spending time on anything outside of day-to-day survival. If I were to read a book, the house didn’t get tidied. Even now, there is a give-and-take between having time for myself and having time to get things done. However, we all need time to accomplish things which bring us joy, and for me, it is writing. Writing is a harmless and inexpensive pastime, and there is always time to write—even in bite-sized chunks.

So, this week, I challenge you to carve out some time for writing.

If you pick the kids up from school, write on the Notes app on your phone in the car while you wait. Or let your husband know you will be on the computer tonight. Doing what? He may ask. To which you will reply, I am writing a novel.

— Cindy