Setting the Stage
There is a period of quiet and unease between the completion of your book and its release. You know it's about to get busy, but you don’t know what to do with yourself until then. You are nervous about your book launch, but there is only so much you can do ahead of time. You understand that what you do now will translate into sales later, but knowing where to focus your energy is a challenge.
Many of the activities that I recommend you do during this time will be uncomfortable for you, especially if this is your first book. You may have been quietly writing without letting anyone know, or you may still be getting comfortable calling yourself a writer and author. The thought of sitting at a book signing may give you cold sweats. Contacting people to ask for a review or set up a book tour may be out of your comfort zone altogether.
I have not completed all of these suggestions myself, but I wish that I had. Do what you are comfortable with and what you have time for. If you can’t do them before your book launch, you can still do them afterwards. And keep them in mind as opportunities for ongoing promotion.
Setting Up a Launch Team
Setting up a launch team is one way to boost the number of reviews you have at launch.
You will find as you promote your book through social media, some followers are more enthusiastic and interactive than others.
Create a list of these individuals and contact them to see if they would be willing to be part of your launch team. As a part of the launch team, they will be asked to read your book and provide a review at the book’s release.
Explain to them that you will send them your book at least two weeks before launch so that they will have enough time to read it through. Let them know the launch date and that you will send them a link to the review page on that day. Offer to send them either a pdf or a paperback copy if available.
On launch day, send out a note to remind your team that the book is live and ready for review whenever they are.
ARC (Advanced Review Copy) Readers
The readers on your launch team are your ARC Readers or Advanced Review Copy readers. You can send your manuscript to them via BookFunnel or Word. The benefit of using BookFunnel is that it allows you to send Secure Review Copies via Certified Mail. These copies cannot be forwarded on.
Sample Note to a Potential Launch Team Member
Dear Kathleen,
I’ve noticed your enthusiasm with regards to my book and writing journey on Instagram/Facebook and thought you might be interested in a novel I have written.
It is called Northern Escape, a thriller that touches on domestic abuse, drug abuse and mental illness set among the beauty of Northern Canada with music, art, history, good food and a bit of a treasure hunt.
Hiding from a controlling and dangerous partner, Grace Rhodes goes off the grid when she joins an artists’ retreat to escape to a remote area of Canada’s Algonquin Provincial Park. There, she stumbles upon two men searching for a missing friend who has left cryptic messages behind in geocache boxes. Will they find him, or is he setting a trap? What will happen if Grace’s ex-boyfriend finds her?
If you think you might be interested in reading my book and posting an honest review of it on Amazon, either positive or negative, I would be glad to send you a complimentary copy. I am happy to send you a pdf copy, or, if you would prefer, a paperback if you reply with your postal mailing address.
The launch date for Northern Escape is June 23, 2021, and I will ensure you have received your copy two weeks before that date so you will have time to read it through ahead of time.
On the day of launch, I will send you a link that will take you directly to the page where you can leave your review.
All the best!
Cindy Folk
Link to Leave a Review
In the reminder that you send out on Launch Day, include a link to the review form.
ie. “Click Here to leave a review.” and then embed the link into the text.
Send a Second Reminder
Two to three days later, send another reminder. Thank everyone who has left a review, and thank people in advance who are still working on the book and have not yet posted.
Tip: is a site that helps you grow your ARC team ($10 per ARC + $2 per reader)
Plan to Contact Your Email List on Launch Day
It is important to prepare for post-launch reviews. Let people know your book has launched, then several days later, email them again and ask if they have had a chance to purchase your book and get into the material. Give them a gift to let them know you value their support. If they are in town, let them know you would be happy to sign their copy of the book. Also let them know you would love to receive a picture of you with your copy of the book to share on social media. Then include a ‘leave a review’ invite.
Tip: if you want 100 reviews for your book, you should aim for at least 200 people.
Tip: If you get 20+ reviews on launch after one week, you are looking good, and this will give your book momentum in the Amazon algorithm.
If people don’t review your book officially, they are likely just busy. Instead, you will get feedback in person, through a direct message, or text from people you know. Keep track of these and contact them directly at a later date. I have used these messages on social media for marketing as well.
Include a Reminder in Your Book
It is a good idea to leave a reminder for your reader to leave a review in the back of your book.
For example,
If you enjoyed Northern Escape, will you please consider writing a review on the platform of your choice? Reviews help indie authors find more readers like you.
Amazon Top Reviewers
Another way to get valuable reviews is to contact Amazon Top Reviewers.
Send a personalized email to each, targeting the people who review books similar to your genre.
Wait at least two weeks before following up.
Target getting 2-3 reviews in this way,
Amazon Review Guidelines
Amazon has strict guidelines to keep the integrity of reviews. Understanding these guidelines will help you determine the most appropriate way to get potential reviewers.
Amazon Reviews
Amazon requires a reviewer to have an Amazon account and have had made a purchase of at least $50.
Once a review is submitted, it could take up to 72 hours before it becomes active.
Amazon Verified Purchase
A Verified Purchase review means that Amazon has confirmed that the reviewer has purchased the book from Amazon.
Unverified Reviews
Unverified reviews can come through an individual purchasing the book from a local book store, a craft sale, or they could be part of a launch team to support the book release. Having a launch team of people who review an advance copy of the book is a legitimate practice. Paying people to review your book is not.
Community Guidelines for Amazon
“We take the integrity of the Community seriously. Any attempt to manipulate Community content or features, including by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited.”
To learn more, please visit their Community Guideline page.
— Cindy