Embracing Social Media
We hear ‘Social Media’ and we cringe. But, as an author, social media must become your friend.
You don’t have to be ‘besties’, but you do have to hang out once in a while.
Do I Have To?
Short answer: If you don’t tell people about what you are doing, they won’t know about it. And if they don’t know about it, they can’t support you.
When you include your audience from the start, they will be part of your self-publishing journey. When they feel like they are a part of your journey, they’re more likely to buy when you’re ready to launch!
There are many platforms for social media: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter among others.
Stick with a few and get comfortable with them.
Go with your gut. Do what feels comfortable to you.
It took me a year and a half to do a video of myself. I wasn’t ready before that. Start small. Take baby steps. You have to learn to walk before you can learn to run.
Tip #1: With whatever message you put out on social media, be yourself.
Tip #2: Consider your audience. Is this what they want to hear about?
Tip #3: Listen to your gut. Even if there is a message you want to get out to your audience, if today isn’t the day for that message, don’t send it. Wait until it feels right.