Image by @jasonstrull
Editing Your Writing
Have you had a chance to write a bit?
Then let’s make what you wrote better.
Are you nervous?
Remember your affirmations . . .
I am a writer because I write.
I will work on my writing until I am proud of it.
Then, start revising. Work through it once, twice, three times if you like.
How does it sound?
Does it make sense?
Is the content in the correct order?
Is it clear?
Have you set the scene? Did you consider the five senses as you wrote?
Slow yourself down and consider your words from the reader's point of view. Is it cool outside, is the sun bright, is there a bird singing or a garbage truck rumbling? Put yourself there.
Show how your characters are feeling through their body language. Did they shrug, raise their eyebrows, clear their throat or put their hand on the back of their neck? Use these descriptions to express emotion.
Is your spelling correct?
Consider the punctuation. If you aren't sure where to put the commas and quotes, grab a book and imitate what you see. Then copy/paste the text into Grammarly ( and work with it some more.
Are you working on a computer? It saves time. Make changes, then make some more. Keep working on it until you are happy with it.
You did it!