Stay Organized

As you dig into both your writing and your website, you will start creating accounts (ie.,,, etc.) with userids and passwords. Over time you will wonder, did I use this password or that? You will realize that you have created a lot of accounts in a lot of places and this can become overwhelming, unless, you stay organized.

The simple task of keeping a sheet of paper, word or excel document with the web addresses of where you’ve signed up, along with your username and password, will keep them all in one place. It will also keep your head on straight.

Another tip is to create a separate word document for every tutorial you follow with notes and links to the video in each so you can find it again if you need it.

Finally, set up your computer with a hierarchy of folders related to your writing so that you can find your documents easily.  This is what mine looks like right now.


Create Content for Your Site


Research Author Sites